Tuesday, 29 May 2012

5 Communication Apps

After searching the iTunes store for apps related to communication I picked 5 top choices (which was difficult with the number of apps available).

Speech Button: This app is designed with a 25 word vocabulary. It is easy to use and an app that is ready made once downloaded. The great thing about the app is that it is free and an excellent starting point for individuals who need assistance with communication.

My Talk Tools: This app is available in the lite version which is free or a full version for $49.99. Using a variety of images, pictures, symbols, video and audio files the user is able to create their own selections to communicate. There are many features such as text to speech, full sentence communication, different size fonts and full zoom capabilities.

iCommunicate: This app allows the user to create visual schedules, routines, storyboards, flash cards or choice boards. Pictures can be personal ones or images from the internet. The price of this app is $49.99.

Alexicom AAC: With this app the user creates pages with text and then a selection of images to complete the sentence. The app also includes data tracking, word prediction, auditory scanning, and row/column scanning. This app is free.

One Voice AAC: The full version of this app costs $199.00 and does provide speech capabilities whereas the lite version is free and does not. The app comes with a pre-determined vocabulary but users can add their own phrases and pictures.

I was surprized by the number of communication apps available. Many were free and some were for only a small price. The apps seemed similar , but some had more features than others. It was difficult to choose only five as most of them seemed to be worthwhile. However, there were those apps that were more basic but yet could be beneficial.

Class 2

Today in class we created our own grid using the app Prologuo2Go. Our grid selection was designed for a student we named 'Sam'. After reviewing the case study we planned and organized the major categories and sub groupings on paper before actually using the iPad. We thought about the potential student -his likes and dislikes, his environments and people he interacts with when determining what categories were necessary. However, we were anxious to begin and eager to use the app on the iPad. So we started after we had a good outline on paper.

I thought using the app looked pretty simple, but this was before I had tried it out. It took time and was easy to use but hands on experience is much better than observing others using it. Each of us in the group took the chance to create some of the categories and sub groupings. Even though we were given a couple of hours to work on this project, we agreed that more time could be put into this especially after testing it out with the student; finding out what worked, what needs to be added or revised. We tried to make sure we included a couple of statements under each category. When we reviewed our grid over we noticed that many of the categories only had questions with just a few statements. Its important to remember that students' using Prologuo2Go need to have conversation statements that they would use not only with teachers and parents but with their friends too. We then thought about how grade 6 children talk with their parents, friends and teachers. We added comments like, "That's awesome!" or "I already cleaned my bedroom."

In the afternoon we presented our grids to the class. It was great to see all groups selections and the different categories and folders within each. You certainly find that there are numerous ways to organize the grids. Prologuo2Go is an excellent app and worth the $200.00!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

QR Codes

So what are QR Codes? This was a term I had not heard of before the first day of AT class. Most likely everyone has seen one just as I had, as they are everywhere, but just really didn't know what they were.

 This is a QR Code
(Quick Response Code)

QR codes can be scanned using a barcode reader app that then takes you to a website. As I type this I look at a QR code that is a sticker on my laptop.

  • Surveys
  • Voting
  • Tutorials
  • Additional information
  • Science Experiments
  • Virtual tours
  • Online forums
  • Podcasts
  • Questionnaires
  • Reviews for books
  • Portfolios
  • Scavenger hunts
  • Videos

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Class 1 - Afternoon

The afternoon part of the class was about communication. When asked, "what is communication?" which seems like a relatively easy question is much more difficult to answer than one would think. Try it!

There are three factors for effective communication:
  • common language
  • communication partner
  • focus - joint attention

Communication can be shown in a number of ways. Through verbal expression, phsyical gestures, behaviors and/or facial expression. For some individuals communicating with others can be difficult. The app Proloquo2go is designed to assist those in communicating.

While checking the app out I was surprized at the number of categories and within each category are folders. Too many folders at once would defintely be too much for a student. However, it seemed to cover everything that would be needed from shapes to questions to manners.

As a group we decided to come up with a conversation that may happen between a student with limited communication and a group of peers. We thought about how students in grade 8 would chat to one another about a school play. The app allows a picture cue to go with each sentence fragment then speaks the sentence for the student. How awesome is that!!

Here is what the app looks like with the different categories.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Class 1 - Morning

Today was the first class for Assistive Technology, Access to Learning and Leisure. To begin the class we were introduced to the app Pic Collage. Using the iPad 2 working in small groups we created a collage to present to the class introducing ourselves. I thought the app was fantastic, however my partner and I had trouble accessing the Internet so we were unable to get any images or pictures. So we got creative and used the camera on the iPad to take pictures already on our phones. Pic Collage is an app where you can spend a great deal of time just 'playing around' with the text, color, background and stickers. This app would work well with both young and older age students. Students could use the app just as we did in class, to introduce themselve at the beginning of the year. Also this app would be awesome for helping to create yearbook pages.

Video about Pic Collage and just how fun it can be!

During the morning we also looked at the past, present and the future of assistive technology. It was interesting to see the comparison and how technology can enhance performance for students with a disability. As simple as a paper/pencil  task seems it can be very challenging for example for a student with a learning disability. However, providing this same student with an iPad where they are then able to scan a document and have it read it to them makes the reading task 'doable'.

AT is about providing access to a task and improving performance of an individual with a disability.

The great thing about iPads are that they have all the features and are fully accessible devices.  These features include pinch and text feature, speak selection, assistive touch and program swiping. Making classrooms available anywhere and to everyone.