Saturday, 5 May 2012

Class 1 - Morning

Today was the first class for Assistive Technology, Access to Learning and Leisure. To begin the class we were introduced to the app Pic Collage. Using the iPad 2 working in small groups we created a collage to present to the class introducing ourselves. I thought the app was fantastic, however my partner and I had trouble accessing the Internet so we were unable to get any images or pictures. So we got creative and used the camera on the iPad to take pictures already on our phones. Pic Collage is an app where you can spend a great deal of time just 'playing around' with the text, color, background and stickers. This app would work well with both young and older age students. Students could use the app just as we did in class, to introduce themselve at the beginning of the year. Also this app would be awesome for helping to create yearbook pages.

Video about Pic Collage and just how fun it can be!

During the morning we also looked at the past, present and the future of assistive technology. It was interesting to see the comparison and how technology can enhance performance for students with a disability. As simple as a paper/pencil  task seems it can be very challenging for example for a student with a learning disability. However, providing this same student with an iPad where they are then able to scan a document and have it read it to them makes the reading task 'doable'.

AT is about providing access to a task and improving performance of an individual with a disability.

The great thing about iPads are that they have all the features and are fully accessible devices.  These features include pinch and text feature, speak selection, assistive touch and program swiping. Making classrooms available anywhere and to everyone.

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